Sunday 13 May 2012

Purpose of this blog!

Hi all, just a quick post to explain the purpose of this blog.

It will be used alongside my YouTube page (link here) so that I can post photos to go along side my videos, better descriptions and generally just to add a new, deeper element to the videos. I will be showing you how I make my targets, how I set up and use my gear and hopefully loads more interesting stuff.

One thing you will all learn quickly is how much I cant stand just shooting plain paper targets over and over. Sure, they are great for testing your rifles grouping ability every now and then and zeroing in your rifle but lets face it, seeing a target spinning round or exploding when you shoot it is much more interesting for both me and you guys watching! So to save us all getting bored but to save me some money I make my own reactive targets such as spinners, flip flop targets and use other stuff that is lying around the house or garages that looks like it would make a good target.

At the moment I have a handful of air guns which I use:
Falcon FN19 single shot in .177 shooting at 12 of power (currently awaiting a new filler valve seal so out of action)
Logun Solo 10 shot in .22 shooting at 12 of power
Ripley rifles AR5s in .22 shooting at 32 of power
Logun professional MK1 in .177 shooting at somewhere around 17-21 of power (I need it running over a chronograph to re-check)
Weihrauch HW80k in .22 shooting at of power
Crosman Ratcatcher in .22 shooting at of power (also needs a new seal kit)

Both the Falcon and the Ratcatcher need seals replacing, so, when I do this I will make a video on it and follow it up with a blog post.

I will also be doing some pellet tests on all the guns soon to find the best pellet for them.

Please leave comments on here and my YouTube page/videos giving suggestions for future videos etc... and I will do my best to accommodate your wishes.

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