Thursday 14 June 2012

Finally bought a silencer for the Logun

It has been on the cards for a long time now but I could just never actually get around to buying a silencer for the Logun Solo. I was already shooting well with it, I liked the short proportions of it and the freezer was generally always fully stocked anyway with rabbits.

BUT!!!... last night I spoke to the game-keeper of the land around me and he said that I could shoot on it! I had been desperate to get some shooting on the land because the rabbits always tend to sit just on the field boundaries where I previously couldn't shoot but could see perfectly from my own land.

Anyway, on to the point of this post.... The game keeper told me that he would knock on the door tonight and I could join him for some shooting. I wanted to use the Logun seeing as it has the 10 shot magazine on it, however, it wasn't silenced. usually this is no bother to me because I will go out of the back door, walk around our grounds and take shots as they present themselves and then go back in the house for 20 minutes while the rabbits calmed down and started grazing again. This wouldn't work if i was out static hunting with the game-keeper so on my lunch break at work today I popped over to J F Neville's gun shop and bought my self a .22 Parker Hale (rimfire rated) silencer. for the princely sum of £27.50.

I had read  a few reviews on this silencer in the past but mainly from the rimfire boys, but all was very positive so I decided to go ahead with it. The silencer is all steel construction, including the baffles and as a result is a little weighty but it is extremely effective on my little Logun.

The proof is in the pudding as they say, and tonight I bagged 6 rabbits, 2 of which were literally seconds apart, with the second one not even knowing I had just shot his buddy.

Having seen the difference first hand I wouldn't even bother hunting with a PCP without a silencer now.

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