Thursday 14 June 2012

Finally bought a silencer for the Logun

It has been on the cards for a long time now but I could just never actually get around to buying a silencer for the Logun Solo. I was already shooting well with it, I liked the short proportions of it and the freezer was generally always fully stocked anyway with rabbits.

BUT!!!... last night I spoke to the game-keeper of the land around me and he said that I could shoot on it! I had been desperate to get some shooting on the land because the rabbits always tend to sit just on the field boundaries where I previously couldn't shoot but could see perfectly from my own land.

Anyway, on to the point of this post.... The game keeper told me that he would knock on the door tonight and I could join him for some shooting. I wanted to use the Logun seeing as it has the 10 shot magazine on it, however, it wasn't silenced. usually this is no bother to me because I will go out of the back door, walk around our grounds and take shots as they present themselves and then go back in the house for 20 minutes while the rabbits calmed down and started grazing again. This wouldn't work if i was out static hunting with the game-keeper so on my lunch break at work today I popped over to J F Neville's gun shop and bought my self a .22 Parker Hale (rimfire rated) silencer. for the princely sum of £27.50.

I had read  a few reviews on this silencer in the past but mainly from the rimfire boys, but all was very positive so I decided to go ahead with it. The silencer is all steel construction, including the baffles and as a result is a little weighty but it is extremely effective on my little Logun.

The proof is in the pudding as they say, and tonight I bagged 6 rabbits, 2 of which were literally seconds apart, with the second one not even knowing I had just shot his buddy.

Having seen the difference first hand I wouldn't even bother hunting with a PCP without a silencer now.

Thursday 7 June 2012

A bit of hunting...

Just lately the freezer has been running low on rabbits, so i decided it was about time i got myself out and filled it back up again. I have been out a few times lately and have a handful of "stories" to tell but i will do them one at a time rather than all at once. 

The first of the bunch was a 3/4 grown rabbit I took with the Logun Solo ( at about 35 yards. 

I stepped outside for a wander around the grounds with the Logun fully charged with air and 10 pellets in the mag. Around my place 10 shots is wayyy more than I need in 1 outing as i generally just have a short wander around and take opportunities that crop up and then go back into the house and let the quarry settle down and come back out again. Due to not having a silencer on the Logun (soon to be rectified) one shot will usually clear most of the quarry for a good 10-20 minutes. 

So, back to the story... I stepped out of the house and headed down the drive to see if there were any rabbits out in the field or on the drive itself. Just as I got down the drive, past the holly bush I saw a white tail running bouncing along, moving towards the hedge, stopping just at the entrance to its escape. My first instinct was to want to quickly draw the rifle up to my shoulder and rush the shot before it made it to safety through the hedge. Luckily sense prevailed and I SLOWLY raised the rifle to my shoulder as I dropped to one knee, with the rifle rested on my shooting sticks. I was 99% certain that the rabbit was in the bag before I even took the shot thanks to the shooting sticks giving me such a solid rest. 

As predicted the rabbit went down thanks to a shot just behind the eye and didn't even give a twitch or a kick. I paced out the distance to the rabbit as usual (always like to check my rangefinding assumptions) and carried it up towards the incinerator. 

I thumbed the rabbit down and set to work skinning, gutting and preparing the rabbit for the freezer. Most of my kills are used as food for the dog with the odd one being eaten by me or friends and family.


Saturday 2 June 2012

My Logun Solo will soon have a custom painted stock!

I have decided that enough is enough, I don't like the colour of the stock on my Logun Solo and luckily for me I have a contact that is amazing with a spray gun. So this leads to one logical soloution... Get the stock painted!!

I am currently waiting for some samples to come through with a few options for me. I have asked for a dark colour, probably matte effect and if possible with a texture. If anyone has seen "Ted's holdover" on YouTube AKA "EdgunUSA" then you will know how nice his stock looks. Well, his is a painted wooden stock and I love that kind of look. Apparently there will be a couple of samples coming to me, they are currently applying a heavier texture to one... I'm guessing this is the one I will choose and haven't even seen the samples yet!!

Here is a picture of the gun how it currently is:

Watch this space to find out how the gun turns out, I am very excited about how this could turn out!